Alaska SEO Pointers: Blogging as a High-Yield Business Promotion Tool

Many businesses today put up their own blogs to drum up interest for an upcoming event or share relevant information about their industry as well as how their business factors into the equation. An article by Marci Alboher on the New York Times describes blogging as an inexpensive marketing tool which, if done correctly, has a high return on investment potential.

Ensuring that your blog gets more exposure online, however, requires extensive search engine optimization or SEO efforts. If your blog needs an expanded readership base in the Last Frontier, take up your options with a company that knows Alaska SEO, like The Business Maximizer.

Why Outsourcing Search Engine Optimization in Alaska is a Good Idea

If you’re an entrepreneur in this day and age, you’ve likely heard about the importance of SEO and what it could bring to your business. You have three ways to tackle it: go in-house, collaborate with a partner, or outsource. Your final decision on which path to take will ultimately rely on the specific marketing activity and your company’s internal resources, which can make either one of the three options most viable. The purpose of this article, however, is to reinforce the fact that outsourcing the job to a local Alaska SEO company like The Business Maximizer is a good idea. Read on to find out why:

SEO moves too fast – If there’s one thing a seasoned SEO professional will tell you, it’s this: SEO changes constantly and rapidly. Google itself revealed that it updates its search algorithm more than 500 times a year. With that in mind, how can you focus on the rest of your business if you’re going to be doing in-house SEO?

Four Pointers from an Alaska SEO Expert to Help Your Online Strategy

“With the huge influence of technology on today’s generation, almost everyone seems to be involved in something online—whether for personal or business reasons, for an information search or for purchasing products and services. Needless to say, individuals and businesses have utilized technological advances to pursue their own development. In so doing, they have influenced the expansion of search engine optimization (SEO). As long as there are people needing to search online, SEO will thrive.
If you’re a small business still struggling to make heads and tails of your SEO strategy, here are a few pointers from an Alaska SEO specialist like The Business Maximizer”

Alaska SEO Services: Vital Components of an Online Marketing Strategy

Business 2 Community highlighted new changes in Facebook that will be significant to internet marketing this 2015. These changes are search optimization, relevant conversation (trending), call-to-action buttons, post-end date, and smart publishing. The articles explained how online marketers should look forward to these changes, and utilize these to further benefit the reach of the social networking site.

In recent years, the influence of social media to one’s online presence has largely grown. Not only do these sites have a wide reach potential, they also factor significantly in search engine rankings. If you don’t acquire SMO (Social Media Optimization) as part of your Alaska SEO services, you will be missing out on a great opportunity.

Alaska SEO Tips: Optimized Meta Descriptions for Positive Results

In an article by Neil Patel published by Search Engine Land he writes about how Google has long held that meta descriptions don’t have a significant influence over search engine rankings. In fact, the search engine giant went on to state in 2009 that although they sometimes utilize description meta tags for the snippets they show, meta descriptions still don’t have a say in a site’s search engine ranking; however, this does not mean that your meta descriptions don’t have an effect on your Alaska SEO campaigns.